Friday, April 3, 2020

A note on Kurosawa

Director Akira Kurosawa on the set with actor Toshiro Mifune.

To date on the Scarry Film Club, it looks like the single director named most often (and by the greatest number of contributors) is Akira Kurosawa.

So far we have . . .

JTS3: Ikiru (To Live)

WCS: Ran

JTS: Rashomon

I've also recently written posts on my Scarry Thoughts blog about two other Kurosawa films:

Film for the Age of COVID: "Red Beard" by Kurosawa

FILM ABOUT HIROSHIMA: Kurosawa's "I Live in Fear" (Nuclear Danger: Three Ways of Talking About the Unmentionable)

This year is the centenary of the birth of the great actor in so many of Kurosawa's films, Toshiro Mifune. The best place to watch many Kurosawa/Mifune collaborations in one place is on the Criterion Channel.